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HUMILYSQUE MYRICAE: Plants that could change the world

The Tamarisk is a graceful shrub, with fluffy foliage. It has thousands of properties, and it is often undervalued, but it could change our life on earth. Native from the sandy and brackish areas of India, China and Southern Europe, the Tamarisk is an evergreen plant with small and dense foliage which facilitates resistance from […]

DESTINY – story of an immigrant

I am a young, determined immigrant by the name is Alhassan Jallow. I have been living in Italy for almost seven (7) years. I arrived in Sicilia, Italy the 7th of December 2015, where I was rescued with several others. I lived in the camp with other immigrants for three (3) years, and during these […]

Alessandro and Sasha experience in Tanzania-Africa

Telling about Africa is like trying to describe a pleasant dream, a memory of a far world, but able to get you close to emotions and sensations almost forgotten and sadly old fashioned. The astonishment, the emotions, the perception of having already lived in an unknown world, different, slower, but more authentic and more kind. And […]

Africa in the heart

My name is Giorgio Casolari and I love Africa. It was 2006 and on a cold winter afternoon in Porto Sant’Elpidio, in the Marche, at the end of a Christian seminar, the speaker proposed distance adoptions through a French NGO in favor of boys in Kinshasa in the DRC, everything was masculine, there was no […]

Rediscovering ancestors: the African mask

The mask has always had a religious and symbolic value in human cultures, it is an important tool whose use has been attested since the Paleolithic, in the cave paintings of the Sahara, in ritual and magical functions. A widespread use is certainly the theatrical one, the mask is the main object of the performances, […]

Arte dell’Africa

“Arte dell’Africa” is the title of the exhibition set up on 14/15/16 May 2004 and curated by the International Institute of Communication at the Abbey of Sant’Andrea in Flumine in Ponzano Romano (RM). After almost 20 years, the president of our foundation, remembers this event as the only occasion in which objects from his private […]

Evolutionary and participatory genetic improvement: perspectives for African agriculture

In 2001, the third evaluation report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlighted the potential impacts of climate change on global agriculture, affirming that rising temperatures and drought could lead to a significant drop in harvests for many developing countries; this has stimulated a new set of global commitments to research and promote more […]

A little story

It was a grey morning of a quaint Tunisian winter, and I was leaving Tunis to visit some silicon caves, approximately 140km from the capital. There was a light spring-like drizzle and a magical scenery. Along the way, we encountered a white pick-up truck which had around 20 children, from 4 to 12 years old, […]


The Africa Project Foundation will participate in the “Africa Business Lab” training courses, designed, conceived and promoted by Agenzia ICE in collaboration with SACE and Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo. Africa Business Lab aims to promote an updated image of the African continent, in step with the economic and social trends already underway (demographic growth, urbanization […]